Sunday, April 8, 2012

Splendid Kindness - the 3rd day of the Omer


The Sephirah of the Omer's first week is Chesed. Chesed is kindness which motivates a person to give of himself - physically, financially, emotionally - to another.

However, the Sephirah of the third day of each Omer week is Tiferet. Tiferet is splendour and beauty, that which is admired by others. (See, for example, Pirkei Avot 2:1, as well as Kedushat Levi for Rosh haShanah, pg. 276 in one standard edition.)

The combined Sephirah for Day 3 of the Omer is Tiferet sheb'Chesed, "splendid kindness". This title suggests a kindness which is admired by others.

What causes admiration? The Talmud (Yoma 86a) observes that we admire people who behave in a menschlich way, treating others with respect; those who show respect for others will also be respected and admired.

Kindness is sometimes motivated by pity and a sense that the recipient is "less than", resulting in insensitivity toward the recipient. This is quite damaging; as the Talmud (Chagigah 5a) teaches, it would be better not to give, than to give in a way that embarrassed the recipient.

The third day's Sephirah reminds us that our kindness should be driven by the respect that will make it a splendid, admirable kindness.

Have a great day,

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