Sunday, April 22, 2012

Day 16 of the Omer - Restraint in Splendour


The Sephirah of the Omer's third week is Tiferet. Tiferet is splendour and beauty, that which is admired by others and by Gd; it is proper to act in a way which will garner such admiration.

In addition, the Sephirah of the second day of each Omer week is Gevurah. Gevurah is power, expressed in restraint and boundaries and withdrawal.

The combined Sephirah for Day 16 of the Omer is Gevurah sheb'Tiferet, "restraint in splendour".

Choosing a path which invites admiration can be tricky; that which will satisfy G-d will not necessarily satisfy people, and vice versa. When human and Divine values conflict, we are expected to prioritize Divine expectations and Divine admiration, while minimizing any discredit among people. Refraining from taking the more popular but inappropriate route requires great strength and restraint - the hallmark of Gevurah.

Today's Sephirah instructs us to employ judicious restraint when pursuing our splendid path.

Have a great day,

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