Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Motives for mitzvot


"In one Talmudic passage it seems that performing mitzvot due to love or fear [one potential translation of the Hebrew word יראה] is good, and in another passage it sounds as though it is bad!

"Rabbeinu Yitzchak explained: Performing a mitzvah due to love for Gd or awe [a second potential translation of the Hebrew word יראה] of Gd is praiseworthy. Performing a mitzvah out of love for a person or awe of a person is not as good.

"Additionally, as Rashi pointed out, performing a mitzvah out of love for reward is not as good. This applies to someone who would regret his good behavior if he would not receive reward. 'יראה,' then, refers to fear of punishment."

(Tosafot to Talmud Yevamot 48b)

Have a great day,

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