Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Why did the Torah begin with Creation? Part 3 of 3


(continued from yesterday)

"R' Yitzchak explained that the Torah began with "In the beginning, Gd created," and the story of Creation until the creation of Man.

"Gd gave him control of His creations and put everything under his feet, and the Garden of Eden, the choicest of places created in this world, was the place Man would rest until his sin chased him out. The generation of the Flood was chased out of the world entirely due to their sins, and the righteous one among them escaped with his children. The sins of their descendants caused Gd to scatter them, and they took places for their families and nations as occurred for them.

"If so, then it is appropriate that a nation which continues to sin should lose its place, and another nation should come to take its land, for this has been the law of Gd in the land, forever…

"And their language in Bereishit Rabbah provides this explanation…"

(Ramban to Bereishit 1:1)

Have a great day,

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