Saturday, May 19, 2012

In what way is Gd "alone"?


Tehillim 86:10 says: "For You are great and You perform wonders; You are Gd alone."

Two midrashim explain "alone" in three different ways:
(1) Unique
(2) Without a partner
(3) The only one who is aware of what You do

""In the beginning, Gd created" – R' Tanchuma began: "For You are great and You perform wonders." R' Tanchum said: If this barrel would have a hole the size of a needle's point, all of its air would escape. Man is formed of tubes and tubes, holes and holes, and his air does not escape. Who does this? "You are Gd alone."

"Alternatively: "For You are great and You perform wonders" – Normally, a flesh and blood king is praised in the land, and the leaders of the land are praised with him for they carry his burden with him. Gd is not thus; He alone created the universe, He alone is praised in the universe, He alone is glorified in His universe. R' Tanchuma said, "For You are great and You perform wonders," Why? For "You are Gd alone," You created the universe alone."

(Midrash, Bereishit Rabbah 1:3)

"While Yaakov delayed, where was Esav all that time? R' Yehoshua ben Levi said: He would trap prey and then a malach would release it and chase it away… Gd said, "Yaakov does not know what miracles were performed for him. When he left, Esav entered," as it is written… And so David said, "You are great and You perform wonders; You are Gd alone." You know what miracles and wonders You perform for this person, and he does not know…"

(Midrash Tanchuma Toldot 17)

Worth noting: Rashi to Tehillim 86:10 adopts the second explanation.

Have a great day,

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