Thursday, May 31, 2012

Respect for one's mentor


"R' Eliezer said: One who prays behind his rebbe [mentor], greets and responds to his rebbe, disagrees with his rebbe's school, or says something he did not hear from his rebbe, causes the Shechinah to depart from Israel."

(Talmud, Berachot 27b)

Have a great day,

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Distance yourself from unethical people


"He [Chatam Sofer] warned them repeatedly to speak honestly from the heart, to be the same inside and out, and to distance themselves an arrow's shot from people of lies and trickery – even if those who are people of Torah.

"I remember that my father [Ktav Sofer] once told me of a Torah scholar who was also wealthy and the author of a religious text, but who had absorbed heretical ideas and who had the traits of Lavan, humiliating the sages and causing them pain. His holy father [Chatam Sofer] had told him, "Believe me: Whenever that man leaves my home, I take a book of ethical instruction to study, for that man's breath communicates impurity."

(R' Avraham Feigelstock, Toldot Chatam Sofer, pg. 31b)

Have a great day,

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

When Gd is hard to find


Responses to the Roman destruction of the second Beit haMikdash, and the massacre of Jews:

"Abba Chanan said: Psalm 89 says, "Who is like You, mighty Gd?" Who is like You, mighty and tough, such that You hear the mockery and blasphemy of wicked Titus and You are silent?

"In the yeshiva of R' Yishmael they taught: Exodus 15 says, "Who is like You among the mighty [אלים]" – "Who is like You among the mute [אלמים]".

(Talmud, Gittin 56b)

Have a good day,

Monday, May 28, 2012

Short and Sweet


"One should always teach his students in a concise fashion."

(Talmud, Pesachim 3b)

Have a great day,

Thursday, May 24, 2012

Day 47 of the Omer - Humble Leadership


The Sephirah of the Omer's seventh week is Malchut. Malchut is Monarchy, the ability to guide and influence others.

In addition, the Sephirah of the fifth day of each Omer week is Hod. The kabbalists linked the word Hod (הוד), which means "glory", with Hodaah (הודאה), meaning "thanks" or "confession", to deduce that הוד is a glorious humility.

The combined Sephirah for Day 47 of the Omer is therefore Hod sheb'Malchut, "humble leadership", suggesting an influence which is applied modestly.

Mishlei 29:18 teaches, "Without vision, the nation will run wild," and the leader has the honour of providing that vision, but arrogance will limit his effectiveness. Arrogance in a leader is bad for pragmatic reasons; it can lead to insensitivity, errors, and rejection by the people he is meant to guide. Further, from an ideological standpoint, leadership should intimidate the leader as he becomes aware of his responsibility to lead well. Therefore, for reasons of both practicality and responsibility, a good leader will be humble.

Today's Sephirah instructs us to apply the leadership of Malchut with the humility of Hod.

Have a great day,

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Day 46 - Persistent Leadership


The Sephirah of the Omer’s seventh week is Malchut. Malchut is Monarchy, the ability to influence others.

In addition, the Sephirah of the fourth day of each Omer week is Netzach. Netzach is on-going victory, triumphing over obstacles internal and external.

The combined Sephirah for Day 46 of the Omer is therefore Netzach sheb’Malchut, “persistent leadership”, suggesting an influence which is applied consistently.

The returns on leadership can be discouraging; how long can you play a tune solo, waiting for rest of the band to pick it up? Parents, teachers, rabbis, presidents and role models can tire of the task of setting a good example, or actively instructing. But the reality of education is that meaningful learning rarely occurs with a bolt of inspiration; people learn with repeated exposure, and the opportunity to think and discuss and emulate. A mentor needs to be prepared to lead patiently, over the long term.

Today’s Sephirah instructs us to apply the leadership of Malchut with the consistency of Netzach.

Have a great day,

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Torah will never disappear


"This is My covenant with them, declares G-d: My spirit upon you, and the words I have put in your mouth, will never leave your mouth, and the mouth of your descendants, and the mouth of the descendants of your descendants, from now and forever."

(Isaiah 59:21)

Have a great day,

Monday, May 21, 2012

Future Elevation of Jerusalem


Zecharyah 14:9 predicts the levelling of land around Jerusalem. Radak explains:

"Even though she is already elevated above all of Israel now, her height is not that visible because of the mountains which surround her. At that time the land around her will be a plain, and so her height will be visible above the entire land. Thus Yeshayah (2:2, and Michah 4:1) said, "The mountain of the house of Gd will be established at the head of the mountains and elevated above hills." That actually refers to elevation in stature, but all will be true, this and that."

(Radak to Zecharyah 14:10)

Have a great day,

Sunday, May 20, 2012

And His Name will be One


Zecharyah 14:9 says that in a Messianic Age, "Gd will be One and His Name will be One."

The Talmud comments:

"Is He not "one" now?

"R' Acha bar Chanina explained: The next world is not like this world. In this world people respond to good news with "Blessed is the One who is good and provides good," and to bad news with "Blessed is the Judge of truth," but in the next world all will be "The One who is good and provides good.""

(Talmud, Pesachim 50a)

Have a great day,

Saturday, May 19, 2012

In what way is Gd "alone"?


Tehillim 86:10 says: "For You are great and You perform wonders; You are Gd alone."

Two midrashim explain "alone" in three different ways:
(1) Unique
(2) Without a partner
(3) The only one who is aware of what You do

""In the beginning, Gd created" – R' Tanchuma began: "For You are great and You perform wonders." R' Tanchum said: If this barrel would have a hole the size of a needle's point, all of its air would escape. Man is formed of tubes and tubes, holes and holes, and his air does not escape. Who does this? "You are Gd alone."

"Alternatively: "For You are great and You perform wonders" – Normally, a flesh and blood king is praised in the land, and the leaders of the land are praised with him for they carry his burden with him. Gd is not thus; He alone created the universe, He alone is praised in the universe, He alone is glorified in His universe. R' Tanchuma said, "For You are great and You perform wonders," Why? For "You are Gd alone," You created the universe alone."

(Midrash, Bereishit Rabbah 1:3)

"While Yaakov delayed, where was Esav all that time? R' Yehoshua ben Levi said: He would trap prey and then a malach would release it and chase it away… Gd said, "Yaakov does not know what miracles were performed for him. When he left, Esav entered," as it is written… And so David said, "You are great and You perform wonders; You are Gd alone." You know what miracles and wonders You perform for this person, and he does not know…"

(Midrash Tanchuma Toldot 17)

Worth noting: Rashi to Tehillim 86:10 adopts the second explanation.

Have a great day,

Thursday, May 17, 2012

Ancient minhag vs. Modern minhag


"It appears clear, in my humble opinion, that even though the generations have become corrupted, through our great sins, and even though great [religious] disruptions have developed, still, most of these [ancient] customs appear to be appropriate. One could contend that the authority of this custom comes from this: Since the Sages were silent, we rely upon the assumption that they had a reason for the practice.

"However, [regarding customs which developed] since the time when courts lost the power to compel observance of Torah and fine sinners, it is possible to say that there is no proof from simple custom, and the power of custom is lost, and one must even investigate the depths of the law regarding common practices."

(Rav Avraham Yitzchak haKohen Kook, Daat Kohen 156)

Have a great day,

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Work the land


"The advantage of land is above all else; even the king is enslaved to the field."

(Kohelet 5:8)

Have a great day,

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Why did the Torah begin with Creation? Part 3 of 3


(continued from yesterday)

"R' Yitzchak explained that the Torah began with "In the beginning, Gd created," and the story of Creation until the creation of Man.

"Gd gave him control of His creations and put everything under his feet, and the Garden of Eden, the choicest of places created in this world, was the place Man would rest until his sin chased him out. The generation of the Flood was chased out of the world entirely due to their sins, and the righteous one among them escaped with his children. The sins of their descendants caused Gd to scatter them, and they took places for their families and nations as occurred for them.

"If so, then it is appropriate that a nation which continues to sin should lose its place, and another nation should come to take its land, for this has been the law of Gd in the land, forever…

"And their language in Bereishit Rabbah provides this explanation…"

(Ramban to Bereishit 1:1)

Have a great day,

Monday, May 14, 2012

Why did the Torah begin with Creation? Part 2


[Continued from two posts ago]

"R' Yitzchak said: The Torah did not need to begin other than from "This month is, for you, the first…," the first mitzvah in which the Jews were instructed. Why did it begin with Bereishit? Because, "He told His nation the power of His deeds, to give them the portions of nations."

"Lest the nations say to the Jews, "You are a nation of bandits, for you conquered the lands of the seven nations," they could respond, "All of the land belongs to Gd. He created it and gave it to the one who was righteous in His eyes. At His will He gave it to them, and at His will He took it from them and gave it to us.""

(Rashi to Bereishit 1:1)

To be continued...

Have a great day,

Sunday, May 13, 2012

It is Torah, and I must learn it


"Rabbi Akiva said: I once followed Rabbi Yehoshua into the bathroom and learned three lessons from him...

"Ben Azai asked: How could you be so brazen as to do this to your

"Rabbi Akiva explained: This is Torah, and I must learn it."

(Talmud, Berachot 62a)

Have a great day,

Saturday, May 12, 2012

Why did the Torah begin with Creation? Part 1


"R' Yehoshua of Sichnin began, citing R' Levi: "He told His nation the power of His deeds. (Tehillim 111:6)" Why did Gd reveal to Israel that which was created on Day 1 and that which was created on Day 2?

"Because of the idolaters, lest they oppress Israel, saying, "You are a nation of despoilers!" Israel could respond to them and say, "What about you? It is despoiled by you, for 'Caphtorim who departed from Caphtor destroyed them and settled in their place! (Devarim 2:22)' All of it belongs to Gd; when Gd wished, he gave it to you, and when He wished, He took it from you and gave it to us."

"Thus it is written, "To give them the portions of nations." Thus He told them of all of the generations."

(Midrash, Bereishit Rabbah 1:2)

Have a great day,

Thursday, May 10, 2012

On Zionism


"The first goal of the Congress must be great and mighty effort, with all of our strength, before the Ottoman government, to permit our brethren to purchase land and build homes without obstacles or roadblocks. To acquire this license, we must work and struggle with all of our abilities, for the future of colonization dependes upon this.

"Settling the land – purchasing land and building homes, planting orchards and seeding fields – is one of the greatest mitzvot in our Torah. Some of our ancestors said it is equal to the entire Torah! The simple reason for the magnitude of this mitzvah is that it is the foundation of our national future. One who believes is a true lover of Zion, with his entire heart and soul.

"The foundation of love of Zion is to guard the entire Torah, our inheritance across generations, without subtraction or addition. I say, as a rule, that our Torah, the source of our life, must be the foundation of our life in the land of our ancestors."

(Letter of Rabbi Shemuel Mohliver to the First Zionist Congress)

Have a great day,

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Blueprint of the Universe


The following midrash is based on Proverbs 8:30, "Then I [Torah] was for Him an amon, and I was a delight each day, etc." This describes the Torah as existing in Gd's company before Creation, and serving as an amon אמון. The similar word uman אומן refers to a craftsman.

"The Torah said, "I was the tool of Gd's craft." Normally, a flesh and blood king builds a palace not on his own, but via a craftsman. The craftsman does not build it on his own, but via plans which outline how to create the rooms and small entrances. So, too, Gd looked in the Torah and created the world. The Torah said, "In reishit Gd created", and reishit is Torah, as in, "Gd created me, reishit of His path.""

(Midrash, Bereishit Rabbah 1:1)

Have a great day,

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Netziv on the causes of Anti-Semitism


"Many, including complete people, inquire regarding the on-going hatred in the hearts of Anti-Semites against Israel. Each strains and exhausts himself to find an appropriate answer to this serious question, one thus and one thus, each according to his mind and his outlook on Judaism…

"We, with the banner of our pure Torah and loyal faith, will also speak of this, with G-d's help. We will say that the essence of the hate of Anti-Semites for Israel has ever been known to every Jew and has been fluent in his mouth from the Haggadah of the "night of protection", when we say, "And this is what stood for our ancestors [that not only one has stood against us to destroy us, but in every generation they stand against us to destroy us]…"

"The lesson of Lavan instructs us that there are two causes for hatred: Jealousy of wealth and suspicion of theft and corruption, mixed with hatred of our belief and service of Gd…"

(Netziv, She'eir Yisrael, Chapter 1)

Have a good day,

Monday, May 7, 2012

A parent's influence


"Rabbi Akiva said: A parent determines five traits in his child: Beauty, physical strength, wealth, wisdom and lifespan."

(Talmud, Eduyyot 2:9)

Have a great day,

Sunday, May 6, 2012

Be generous, good and friendly


"Rabbi Yehoshua said: An evil [un-generous] eye, an inclination toward evil, and hatred of others, remove a person from the world."

(Pirkei Avot 2:11)

Have a good day,

Saturday, May 5, 2012

The well-digger's daughter


"It was taught: The daughter of Nechunyah, the public well-digger, once fell into a big pit. They came and told Rabbi Chanina ben Dosa. At first he said, 'It's fine.' Later he said, 'It's fine.' Still later he said, 'She has ascended.'

"They asked her, 'How did you get out?!' She responded, 'An elderly man leading a ram came to me.'

"They said to Rabbi Chanina ben Dosa: You are a prophet! He replied: Iam not a prophet and I am not the son of a prophet. I simply said, 'This righteous man took great pains over the mitzvah [of digging wells], can it be that his children will be hurt by them?!'"

(Talmud, Bava Kama 50a)

Have a great day,

Thursday, May 3, 2012

Delayed payment


"The sages taught:

"From the fact that the verse (Leviticus 19) stated, 'Do not let the payment of an employee's work sleep with you,' I can already see that one is in violation [of the law against withholding payment] if he waits until the next morning.

"Then why did the Torah add, 'until morning?' To teach that the violation is a one-time violation, on that first morning.

"What happens after that? Rav said: One is in violation of a separate prohibition against withholding payment.

"Rav Yosef asked: What is the scriptural source for this additional prohibition? It is written [Proverbs 3]: 'Do not tell your friend, 'Go and return tomorrow, and I will give it to you,' when you have the payment there now.'"

(Talmud, Bava Metzia 110b)

Have a great day,

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Torah Meals


"Rabbi Shimon said: If three people eat at a table and do not speak words of Torah, it is as though they ate from the offerings of dead [i.e. idolatry]...But if three people eat at a table and they speak words of Torah, it is as though they eat from Gd's table."

(Pirkei Avot 3:3)

Have a great day,

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

If you catch cold, it's your fault


"Rabbi Chanina said: All is in the hands of Heaven except chills and fevers, as it is written (Proverbs 22:5), 'Chills and fevers are in the path of the fool; one who guards his life will distance himself from them.'"

(Talmud, Bava Metzia 107b)

Have a great day,