Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Eating before prayer


"And Rabbi Yosi, son of Rabbi Chanina cited Rabbi Eliezer ben Yaakov: What is the meaning of Vayikra 19:26, 'You shall not eat upon the blood'? Do not eat before you pray for your blood.

"[And] Rabbi Yosi, son of Rabbi Chanina cited Rabbi Eliezer ben Yaakov: One who eats and drinks and then prays – regarding him Melachim I 14:9 says, 'You have thrown Me after your body [geivecha].' Do not read it as geivecha [your body], but gei'echa [your arrogance]. Gd says: After this one demonstrated arrogance, then he accepted the monarchy of Heaven!"

(Talmud, Berachot 10b)

Have a great day,

1 comment:

  1. I didn't "get" this gemara, because it implies that someone who wakes up when it's still dark out shouldn't eat even before alos hashachar. But my understanding of the halakhah is that before one may say Shema (alos) and therefore also before the Amidah is an option (haneitz), eating is permissible.

    And what about women, who have no obligation to pray at set times? Would it not be equally chutzpah?

    Also, the gemara might imply the same about morning marital relations. Or, one might consider the fulfillment of onah (satisfying one wife) to be different than the more exclusively self-centered eating.
