Sunday, March 30, 2014

The "ger toshav"


"Anyone who accepts the seven mitzvot and is careful to practice them is of the pious of the nations of the world, and owns a portion in the next world, assuming he accepts them and practices them because Gd instructed them in the Torah and informed us via Moshe Rabbeinu that Noachides have long been instructed in them. However, if he does them because of his own decision, he is not a ger toshav and he is not of the pious of the nations of the world or their sages."

כל המקבל שבע מצות ונזהר לעשותן הרי זה מחסידי אומות העולם, ויש לו חלק לעולם הבא, והוא שיקבל אותן ויעשה אותן מפני שצוה בהן הקב"ה בתורה והודיענו על ידי משה רבינו שבני נח מקודם נצטוו בהן, אבל אם עשאן מפני הכרע הדעת אין זה גר תושב ואינו מחסידי אומות העולם ולא מחכמיהם. 

(Rambam, Mishneh Torah, Hilchot Melachim 8:11)

Have a great day,

Saturday, March 29, 2014

The prohibition against false testimony


The Torah's prohibition against lying is not limited to courtroom testimony, but the specification of “false testimony” serves as an additional prohibition for court cases. A witness who is caught testifying falsely may, depending on circumstances, be incriminated as an ed zomeim; such a person is punished according to the suffering he intended to cause with his testimony.

The Torah stressed the harm of lying in court, specifically, because undermining the courts undermines Torah and civilization. For this reason, the neviim spent considerable time inveighing against corruption in the beit din (Jewish court).

Pirkei Avot 1:18 echoed this point in noting that honest testimony is part of the foundation on which the world rests: “The world exists on three things: Law, Truth and Peace.” Our Torah is a Torah of Truth, and G-d's seal is Truth.

Have a great day,

Wednesday, March 26, 2014

A merciful and pragmatic military


"We are instructed that when we lay siege to a city, we must leave one of the directions without siege, so that if they wish to flee then they will have a place for flight. This way we will learn to act with mercy even with our enemies in a time of war, and it will also help in that we will give them an avenue to flee and they will not strengthen themselves against us."

מצוה חמישית שנצטוינו כשנצור על עיר להניח אחת מן הרוחות בלי מצור שאם ירצו לברוח יהיה להם דרך לנוס משם כי בזה נלמוד להתנהג בחמלה אפילו עם אויבינו בעת המלחמה ובו עוד תקון שנפתח להם פתח שיברחו ולא יתחזקו לקראתינו...

(Ramban to Sefer haMitzvot, Added Aseh 5)

Have a great day,

Tuesday, March 25, 2014

The motive of Shimon and Levi in Shechem


What motivated Shimon and Levi to destroy the city of Shechem, as opposed to just taking back their imprisoned sister Dinah?

"The lord would never have allowed himself to act as he did were it not a queston of a foreign, forsaken Jew-girl. That was the thought that brought home to the minds of Simeon and Levi that there are times when the Family of Jacob too must grasp the sword... They had no desire to act prudently. They wanted to make themselves feared so that nobody would attempt anything similar. The daughters of Jacob were not to be considered as being at anybody's disposal. But nevertheless they went too far, to take revenge on innocent people for that which powerful ones had done."

(Commentary of Rabbi Samson Raphael Hirsch to Bereishit 34:25)

Have a good day,

Monday, March 24, 2014

King David and the Givonim


Why the Givonim were forbidden from marrying into the Jewish people:

"'And the Givonim said to him: We have neither silver nor gold with Shaul and with his household, and we have no man [to kill in Israel]… Let seven men of his children be given to us, and we will hang them before Gd.' (Shemuel II 21:4-6) 

"King David tried to appease them, and they would not be appeased. He said, 'There are three signs for this nation: Merciful, bashful, and generous... One who has these three signs is suited to cleave to this nation.'"

"ויאמרו לו הגבעונים אין לנו כסף וזהב עם שאול ועם ביתו ואין לנו איש וגו' יותן לנו שבעה אנשים מבניו והוקענום לד' וגו'." מיפייס ולא פייסינהו. אמר, שלשה סימנים יש באומה זו: הרחמנים, והביישנין, וגומלי חסדים; רחמנים, דכתיב... כל שיש בו שלשה סימנים הללו ראוי להדבק באומה זו. 

(Talmud, Yevamot 79a)

Have a great day,

Sunday, March 23, 2014

The mistake of stringency


"Just as one may not permit the prohibited, so one may not prohibit the permitted… because generally, this will cause a leniency in some other area…"

כשם שאסור להתיר את האסור כך אסור לאסור את המותר... מפני שעל הרוב יש בו צד הקל במקום אחר...

(Rabbi Shabbtai haKohen, Pilpul b'Hanhagat Horaot b'Issur v'Heter, Rule 9)

Have a great day,

Saturday, March 22, 2014

Go easy on the fundraising!


"Regarding a generous person who gives more than is appropriate for him, or who pains himself to give to the collector to avoid shame, one may not demand and collect tzedakah from him. Gd will punish a collector who shames him and asks of him."

אדם שוע שנותן צדקה יותר מהראוי לו, או שמיצר לעצמו ונותן לגבאי כדי שלא יתבייש, אסור לתובעו ולגבות ממנו צדקה, והגבאי שמכלימו ושואל ממנו, עתיד הקב"ה ליפרע ממנו. 

(Code of Jewish Law, Yoreh Deah 248:7)

Have a great day,

Thursday, March 20, 2014

Borrowing on Divine credit for a mitzvah?


"Rabbi Yochanan cited Rabbi Eliezer, son of Rabbi Shimon:

"Gd told Israel: My children! Borrow on My credit, and sanctify the sanctity of the day [Shabbat/Yom Tov]. Trust Me, and I will pay for it."

אמר רבי יוחנן משום רבי אליעזר ברבי שמעון: אמר להם הקב"ה לישראל: בני, לוו עלי וקדשו קדושת היום, והאמינו בי ואני פורע. 

(Talmud, Beitzah 15b)

Have a great day,

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Gratitude for gratitude's sake


"One should not cheat anyone of their reward; reward must be paid for every good deed. 

"Thus Yehoshua instructed that Rachav and her household be kept alive, and he explained that this was because she had hid the spies sent by Yehoshua. He did not say it was because of the oath the spies had taken [to save her]."

והוא שאין ראוי שיקפח שכר כל בריה אך ראוי שישולם גמול על כל מעשה טוב ולזה תמצא שצוה יהושע להחיות רחב וכל אשר אתה בבית ונתן הסבה בזה כי החבאתה את המלאכים אשר שלח יהושע ולא נתן הסבה בזה שבועת המרגלים לה.

(Ralbag to Yehoshua 8:29, Lesson 10)

Have a great day,

Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Logic vs. Tradition


[Note: "Halevi" below is Rabbi Yehudah haLevi, author of the Kuzari]

"Karaites prided themselves on the use of logical analogy (qiyas/heqesh) for the derivation of laws… Nevertheless, Halevi argues that in religion, it is tradition, and not logical analogy, which is absolutely necessary. The Karaites themselves would admit that the Torah cannot even be read correctly without reliance on received guidance concerning vocalization. If qiyas, rather than tradition, were used in order to read the Torah, numerous errors would be made. In similar fashion, when it comes to the commandments, unrestrained logical analogy will undoubtedly mislead worshippers rather than help them achieve religious perfection."

(Professor Daniel Lasker, From Judah Hadassi to Elijah Bashyatchi: Studies in Late Medieval Karaite Philosophy pg. 150-151)

Have a great day,

Monday, March 17, 2014

Which is greater?


"Rabbi Chanina said: One who is commanded and acts is greater than one who is not commanded and acts."

אמר ר' חנינא: גדול מצווה ועושה ממי שאינו מצווה ועושה. 

(Talmud, Kiddushin 31a)

Have a great day,

Sunday, March 16, 2014

Rav Shimshon Raphael Hirsch on Purim


On Purim:

"As physical life was threatened here and physical life saved, so, apart from the public recital of the story handed down to us perpetuating the event, Purim stresses the enjoyment of festivities, mutual gifts and consideration for our poorer brethren.

"Together with this we should joyfully remember how our life was given to us again, and in this feeling of joy we should each revive the spirit of our common brotherhood and give it greater scope by bringing cheer to our less fortunate ones."

(R' Shimshon Raphael Hirsch, Horeb, paragraph 247)

Have a great day,

Saturday, March 15, 2014

Mordechai learned from Yaakov, Yosef and Daniel


"[When considering whether to warn wicked Achashverosh regarding the plot against his life, Mordechai said:] 

"Yaakov blessed Pharaoh as in Bereishit 47:7, 'And Yaakov blessed Pharaoh'.

"Yosef revealed the future to Pharaoh.

"Daniel revealed the future to Nevuchadnezzar. 

"I will do likewise.  And so Esther 2:22 says, 'And he told Queen Esther.'"

אמר: יעקב בירך את פרעה שנאמר (בראשית מז) ויברך יעקב את פרעה, יוסף גילה לו, דניאל גילה לנבוכדנצר אף אני כן (אסתר ב) ויגד לאסתר המלכה 

(Midrash, Bereishit Rabbah 39:12)

Purim sameach,

Thursday, March 13, 2014

Zeresh, Daniel and Mordechai


"Haman's wife said to him: This man about whom you ask, 'If he is of Jewish descent' then 'you will not defeat him' if you do not approach him with wisdom, in a way that none of his countrymen have been tested. 

"Were you to throw him into a fiery furnace – Chananiah and his peers have already been saved. Were you to throw him into a den of lions – Daniel already ascended from within. Were you to imprison him – Yosef already escaped from there…."

אמרה לו אשתו אדם זה שאתה שואל עליו "אם מזרע היהודים" הוא "לא תוכל לו" אם לא תבא עליו בחכמה במה שלא ניסה אחד מבני אומתו, שאם תפילו לכבשן האש כבר הוצלו חנניה וחביריו, ואם לגוב אריות כבר עלה דניאל מתוכו, ואם תאסרהו בבית האסורים כבר יצא יוסף מתוכו... 

(Midrash, Esther Rabbah 9:2)

Have a great day,

Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Purim Drinking


On Purim we celebrate the ultimate joy of a sudden national rescue, and our sages have taught that we should imbibe alcohol at the Purim Seudah as part of this celebration. Just as we abstain from various foods and from drink at certain times of the year to induce sadness, so we indulge in various foods and in drink at other times of the year, to induce joy. The gemara’s standard for imbibing is to drink until we cannot tell the difference between “Cursed is Haman” and “Blessed is Mordechai” (Megilah 7b).

Authorities differ on how much to drink, but the following is clear: An adult who is medically, psychologically and emotionally able to drink, and who has a designated driver, should drink some amount of alcohol - preferably enough that he will feel lightheaded (Shulchan Aruch, Orach Chaim 695:2). One should enjoy his Purim meal relatively early in the afternoon, drink a little, and then sleep off the effects of the alcohol.

Many people, and I include myself in this number, have embraced the practice of drinking minimally at the Purim Seudah and then fulfilling the state of intoxication by taking a nap after the meal. This approach is sanctioned by the Rama (Shulchan Aruch Orach Chaim 695:2), and supported by the Taz, who believes that the gemara's conclusion opposes drinking. One might consider doing the eating/drinking/nap before participating in a communal seudah.

I know the following is obvious, and I apologize for taking your time with it, but if my blog has any reach at all then I feel an obligation to state this obvious point. Please:

1) There is no reason to give alcohol to minors who are pre-bar mitzvah to drink on Purim. It is not necessary for their fulfillment of any mitzvah. The practice might be secularly legal as sacramental wine - consult an attorney - but it is a foolish and dangerous ritual and therefore prohibited as endangering our children as well as violating our obligation of chinuch for our children.

I do believe there is a difference between giving children under the age of obligation in mitzvot a taste of wine from the formal Shabbat Kiddush (not the one in shul; I mean the one at dinner/lunch!) and engaging them in Purim drinking. The former is a formal setting, and no one (I hope) is drinking to get a buzz. On Purim, though, because the general drinking is more loose and more geared toward celebration, I believe that the rule should be that children drink no alcohol at all.

2) If your own child is a minor, but older than bar mitzvah, and able to handle a small amount of wine, then it makes sense to help your child fulfill the mitzvah with a small amount, in a supervised setting, assuming this is legal in your jurisdiction.

3) I beleve adults should not drink on Purim in the presence of young children, beyond what would normally be consumed at a meal on Shabbat. Immature children cannot tell when we are in control and when we are not, cannot comprehend the dangers associated with alcohol, cannot accept the idea that adults can do what children are not permitted to do, and cannot understand the difference between Purim and the rest of the year.

The finest joy is a celebration which centers around a Mitzvah, and this is the essence of Purim – the four mitzvot (Megilah, Sending Gifts of Food, Giving to the Poor and having a Feast) which are about experiencing joy and spreading joy and thanking HaShem for saving us from destruction.

I apologize for wasting anyone’s time by stating the obvious, but as I said above, I feel the responsibility of stating this in any forum I have available.

And not to be a party-pooper at all, but those who want to know more about this theme should see Shaarei Teshuvah of Rav Chaim Margaliyot (printed with a standard Mishneh Berurah), in his final comment on Orach Chaim:

ויותר יש לזרז עצמו בד"ת במקום שיש שם איזה שמחה אף אם היא שמחה של מצוה ועיין בסוף סוכה בענין שמחת בית השואבה וכן מבואר לעיל סימן תקכ"ט אדם אוכל ושותה ושמח ברגל ולא ימשוך בבשר ויין ובשחוק וקלות ראש לפי שאין השחוק וקלות ראש שמחה אלא הוללות וסכלות ולא נצטוינו על הוללות וסכלות אלא על שמחה שיש בה עבודת היוצר עכ"ל והוא לשון רבינו הרמב"ם ז"ל והמפרשים ז"ל פירשו לשחוק אמרתי מהולל ר"ל שיהיה באיזה ענין שיהיה השחוק הוא הוללות עבט"ז לעיל
אך לשמחה מה זו עושה ר"ל שלענין שמחה אין להחליט שאינה יפה שבאמ' יש שמחה של מצוה ולכן יש ליתן לב לדעת מה זו עושה ר"ל מה טובה אם הוא שמחה של מצוה או לא אך הואיל ואפשר כי מתוך אכילה ושתיה והוללת יתמשך לשחוק וקלות ראש לכן יקח תבלין לבסם השמחה בד"ת וחדוות ה' יהיה מעוזו ויטב לבו בד"ת וז"ש וטוב לב משתה תמיד
It is even more necessary to energize one’s self with words of Torah in a place where there is joy, even if it is joy associated with a mitzvah. See the end of Succah regarding simchas beis hashoevah. And so is explained in the Shulchan Aruch, Orach Chaim 529, “One should eat, drink and be happy on the holiday, but not draw himself after meat and wine and laughter and lightheadedness, for laughter and lightheadedness are not joy, but empty celebration and foolishness. We are not instructed in empty celebration and foolishness, but in joy which includes service of the Creator.” This is a citation from the Rambam.
The sages explained the verse (Kohelet 2:2), “I have called laughter ‘empty celebration’” to mean that in any form, laughter is empty celebration. See the Taz earlier. [I don’t know which comment from the Taz he means.]
But “What does joy accomplish (Kohelet 2:2)” means that regarding joy, one should not conclude that it is not good. In truth, there is joy associated with mitzvot! Therefore, one should set his heart to know what joy can accomplish, meaning, what is its nature – is it joy associated with a mitzvah, or not. But since it is possible that one will be drawn to laughter and lightheadedness as a result of eating, drinking and empty celebration, therefor, one should take spices to sweeten the joy with words of Torah, and his strength will be in the joy of Gd, and his heart will be good with words of Torah. This is the meaning of ‘One of good heart is always at a feast.’

May we have wonderful and safe Purim - ליהודים היתה אורה ושמחה וששון ויקר!

Chag Purim Sameiach,

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

The Miracles of Yosef and Mordechai


"Rabbi Yudin cited Rabbi Binyamin: The sons of Rachel [Yosef and Mordechai] share the same tests and power.

"The same tests:
·         Bereishit 39:10 "And when she spoke to Yosef daily." Esther 3:4 "And when they spoke to him daily."
·         Bereishit 39:10 "And he did not listen to her." Esther 3:4 "And he did not listen to them."

"The same power:
·         Bereishit 41:42 "And Pharaoh removed his ring." Esther 8:2 "And the king removed his ring."
·    Bereishit 41:42 "And he put it on [vayiten] Yosef's hand." Esther 8:2 "And he gave it [vayitnah] to Mordechai."
·      Bereishit 41:42 "And he clothed him in linen garb." Esther 6:9-11 "And the garb and horse shall be given… And Haman took"
·        Bereishit 41:42 "And he placed [vayasem] a gold brooch on his neck." Esther 8:2 "And Esther placed [vatasem] placed Mordechai over the house of Haman."
·        Bereishit 41:42 "And he drove him in his viceroy's chariot." Esther 6:11 "And he drove him in the streets of the city."

·      Bereishit 41:42 "And he called before him, Avrech" Esther 6:11 "And he called before him, 'So shall be done, etc.'"

(Midrash, Bereishit Rabbah 87:6)

Have a great day,

Monday, March 10, 2014

Yosef, Daniel, Esther and Mordechai and their Kings


"Nevuchadnezzar was uncircumcised and impure, Daniel was holy and pure… and he clothed Daniel in purple wool. 

"Pharaoh was uncircumcised and impure, and Yosef was pure and holy, and he coronated Yosef and clothed him in linen and placed a gold brooch upon his neck. 

"Achashverosh was uncircumcised and impure, and Mordechai was holy and pure, and he coronated Mordechai and clothed him and crowned him…"

נבוכדנצר ערל וטמא, דניאל קדוש וטהור... ומלביש לדניאל ארגוונא. פרעה ערל וטמא ויוסף טהור וקדוש, וממליך את יוסף ומלביש אותו בגדי שש, ומשים רביד הזהב על צוארו. אחשורוש ערל וטמא, ומרדכי קדוש וטהור, והוא ממליך את מרדכי ומלביש אותו ומכתירו...

(Midrash Tehillim 90:7)

Have a great day,

Sunday, March 9, 2014

Manipulation through anger


"G-d angered masters upon their servants to elevate the righteous – 'Pharaoh became angry at his servants' to elevate Yosef. 

"[G-d angered] Servants upon their masters to elevate the righteous – 'Bigtan and Teresh became angry' to elevate Mordechai."

הקציף הקב"ה אדונים על עבדיהם ליתן גדולה לצדיקים, "פרעה קצף על עבדיו" ליתן גדולה ליוסף. עבדים על אדוניהם ליתן גדולה לצדיק, "קצף בגתן ותרש" ליתן גדולה למרדכי. 

(Midrash, Bereishit Rabbah 88:3)

[And to this we might add Daniel 2:12.]

Have a great day,

Saturday, March 8, 2014

The special favour linking Yosef, Daniel and Esther


"'And Gd will show you favour (Numbers 6:25)' – He will give you favour in the eyes of His creations. 

"As in Bereishit 39:21, 'And G-d was with Yosef, and He extended kindness to him, and He made him favourable in the eyes of the warden,'

"And Esther 2:15, 'And Esther was favoured in the eyes of all who saw her.'

"And Daniel 1:9, 'And G-d gave Daniel favour, kindness and mercy.'"

(Midrash, Sifri Naso 41)

"ויחונך"... יתן חנך בעיני הבריות וכן הוא אומר "ויהי ד' את יוסף ויט אליו חסד ויתן חנו בעיני שר בית הסוהר" (בראשית לט:כא) ואומר "ותהי אסתר נושאת חן בעיני כל רואיה" (אסתר ב:טו) ואומר "ויתן האלקים את דניאל לחן ולחסד ולרחמים." (דניאל א:ט)

Have a great day,

Thursday, March 6, 2014

The Torah's prohibition against kidnapping


The Torah’s prohibition against kidnapping is actually worded as a generic warning, "Do not steal." Its textual context, though, deals with life-and-death issues, and crimes punishable by capital punishment, and so the sages understood this to refer specifically to stealing a life, i.e. kidnapping. Separate biblical prohibitions address armed robbery as well as breaking-and-entering. This prohibition also applies for non-Jews, under the general Noachide prohibition against theft.

Kidnapping is about more than the basic crime of stealing a person; our prophets invoked the image of kidnapping in rebuking the Jews for taking advantage of the needy and helpless. Amos (2:6), for example, indicted the Jews for, "selling the righteous for silver, and the pauper for shoes." He cited the sale of Yosef as an example of such venal brutality, and he noted (5:15) that we should act as the remnant of Yosef rather than re-enact the sale of Yosef for profit.

Have a good day,

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

The prohibition against sexual immorality


Mitzvah 35, according to the count of the Sefer haChinuch, prohibits a Jew from engaging in intercourse with the spouse of another. The Sefer haChinuch explains that these types of activity are inherently harmful, both to the species and to the individual:

Species - HaShem created each species and instructed it to reproduce "according to its type," for the benefit of the species, and monogamy is considered inherently beneficial for the development of our species.

Individual - Disruption of loyal relationships leads to confusion, jealousy, hatred and violence. A strong marriage, on the other hand, builds safety, stability, trust and love.

Technically, the biblical command of Lo tinaf applies only to relationships sanctioned by the Torah, and therefore is limited to Jewish marriages. However, a separate biblical instruction of v'davak b'ishto “He shall cling to his wife,” applies to Jew and non-Jew alike and prohibits violation of any monogamous, intercourse-based relationship. (Sanhedrin 58a, Tosafot Kiddushin 21b אשת )

Have a great day,

Tuesday, March 4, 2014

The true source of healing


Regarding the story in Bamidbar 21, wherein Moshe makes a copper alloy serpent and places it atop a pole, and Jews who have been bitten by poisonous snakes look up at Moshe's statue and are healed:

"Does a serpent kill or cause life? Rather, when Israel looked heavenward and bound their hearts to their Father in Heaven, they were healed, and if not then they perished."

וכי נחש ממית או נחש מחיה אלא בזמן שישראל מסתכלין כלפי מעלה ומשעבדין את לבם לאביהן שבשמים היו מתרפאים ואם לאו היו נימוקים 

(Mishnah Rosh HaShanah 3:8)

Have a great day,

Monday, March 3, 2014

Body, then mind


"Service of the mind must begin from below and work upward, at first purifying one's body [through labour], and then one's thoughts will be purified and strengthened automatically. One should not begin with his thoughts first."

עבודת המחשבה צריכה להתחיל מלמטה למעלה, מתחילה יטהר את גופו ואז מחשבתו ממילא תטהר ותתחזק, ולא שיתחיל האדם במחשבתו בראשונה. 

(Rabbi Klonymus Kalman Schapira, Bnei Machshavah Tovah pg. 11-12)

Have a great day,

Sunday, March 2, 2014

Moshe puts up the Mishkan


"Moshe was upset that he had not personally taken part in building the Mishkan, as the materials had been donated by the Jews and the work had been performed by Betzalel, Ahaliav and the craftsmen. Because Moshe was upset, Gd hid information from the people and they could not make the Mishkan stand. 

"Once they had exhausted all of their means and were unable to make it stand, the Jews came to Moshe and said, 'Our master Moshe! We have done everything you have told us, and we have donated and spent everything you told us to give. All of the work is here before you; have we lacked something? Have we added to anything you told us? See, it is all before you!' They showed every item to Moshe, as it is written, 'And they brought to Moshe…' 'Moshe saw all of the work…' They said to him, 'Didn't you tell us to make it like this?' He said, 'Yes.' And so it went for each item. They said to him, 'If so, why won't it stand, for Betzalel and Ahaliav and all of the craftsmen have gone to great pains to raise it and they are unable!'

"Moshe was upset over this until Gd told him, 'Because you were upset that you didn't have an activity or a part in the creation of the Mishkan, therefore those wise men could not raise it. It is for you, so that all Israel will know that if it won't stand for you then it won't stand at all, ever. I will only write that it stood for you.'"

היה משה מיצר על שלא נשתתף הוא עמהן במלאכת המשכן, כיצד הנדבה נתנה על ידי ישראל והמלאכה נעשית ע"י בצלאל ואהליאב וחכמי לב ולפי שהיה משה מיצר העלים הקב"ה מהם ולא היו יכולין להעמידו.
כיון שהטיחו פניהם מכל מקום ולא היו יכולין להעמידו נכנסו כל ישראל אצל משה אמרו משה רבינו כל מה שאמרת לנו עשינו וכל מה שצויתנו ליתן ולהוציא נתננו הכל והרי כל המלאכה לפניך שמא חסרנו שום דבר או ויתרנו על כל מה שאמרת לנו ראה הכל לפניך והיו מראין לו כל דבר ודבר, שנא' ויביאו את המשכן אל משה וגו', וכתיב וירא משה את כל המלאכה וגו', אמרו לו לא כך וכך אמרת לנו לעשות, אמר להם הן, וכן על כל דבר ודבר, אמרו לו ואם כן למה אינו עומד שהרי כבר נצטערו בצלאל ואהליאב וכל חכמי לב להעמידו ולא היו יכולין
והיה משה מיצר על דבר זה עד שאמר לו הקב"ה למשה לפי שהיית מיצר שלא היה לך עשייה ולא חלק במלאכת המשכן לפיכך לא יכלו אותן חכמים להעמידו בשבילך כדי שידעו כל ישראל שאם על ידך אינו עומד שוב אינו עומד לעולם ואיני כותב לו הקמה אלא על ידך שנאמר ויקם משה את המשכן 

(Midrash Tanchuma, Pekudei 11)

Have a great day,

Saturday, March 1, 2014

Why kohanim wash their hands


"The kohanim were instructed to sanctify their hands and feet from the water of the kiyor before their service, to demonstrate the idea that the hands receive celestial influence from the water of the [celestial] Well."

היו הכהנים מצווין בקידוש ידים ורגלים ממי הכיור קודם עבודתן, והוא להורות על הכוונה כי הידים הם מקבלים מלמעלה השפע ממי הבאר...

(Rabbi Moshe Isserless, Torat haOlah 2:46)

Have a great day,