Tuesday, January 10, 2012



"R' Chanina said: Mazal makes one wise, mazal makes enriches, and mazal affects Israel.

"R' Yochanan said: There is no mazal for Israel. R' Yochanan follows the view he expressed elsewhere: "How do we know that there is no mazal for Israel? Yirmiyahu 10:2 says, 'So says Gd: Do not learn the ways of the nations, and do not fear the signs of the heavens, for the nations fear them.' The nations fear them; Israel does not.""

(Talmud, Shabbat 156a)

Have a great day,


  1. The Mazal R,Chninaa is talking about is not luck but a special heavenly minister "Sar" who looks out for Yiarael.
    Saying that a little bit of luck doesn't hurt either!

  2. David-
    Thanks, but from the context in the gemara it seems more likely that he is referring to astrology.
