Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Don't send money


Explaining Zechariah's prophet instructions to accept gifts sent to the second Beit haMikdash by Cheldi, Toviah and Yedayah, who were Babylonian Jews:

"The people of the Second Temple did not wish to accept gifts from those who did not ascend to Jerusalem, who remained in Babylon, since they had not 'come to the aid of Gd among the mighty' (Judges 5:23)…

"Zecharyah explained why they should take from the hands of these men, because they had come to stay in the house of Yoshiyah ben Tzefaniah, a Jerusalemite, Gd-fearing and desirous of Gd's mitzvot. His name indicated his nature: "Yoshiyah" like the king who returned to Gd with all of his heart and soul, and "Tzefaniah" was known and reputable, and perhaps he was even Tzefaniah the prophet. Tzefaniah was of those who had come from Babylon for the construction of the Beit haMikdash. Because Cheldi, Toviah and Yedayah were Gd-fearing men of truth, and because of the honour of Yoshiyahu ben Tzefaniah with whom they were staying, it would be appropriate to accept their silver and gold contribution.""

(Abarbanel to Zecharyah 6)

Have a great day,

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