Monday, May 25, 2009

Yom haMeyuchas


Today [Monday] is a special day on the calendar: Yom haMeyuchas יום המיוחס.

"Yichus יחוס" is usually used in reference to lineage, but it means "association." Someone with "good yichus" is someone who has good associates. Similarly, a day that is "meyuchas" is a day with special associates.

There are two common explanations for why this day has special yichus:

1. One reading of the pesukim detailing the dialogue between HaShem and Moshe before Sinai shows that on this day Moshe conveyed HaShem's message, "You will be a kingdom of kohanim and a sacred nation," to the Jews. (Taamei haMinhagim)

2. This day has nothing inherently special, but it is the day after Rosh Chodesh and the day before the 3 days of preparation for the presentation of the Torah, and that gives it special status.

Either way, Happy Yom haMeyuchas!


  1. I read about "Yom haMeyuchas" this morning, Tuesday. At first I thought it was for today and as I was a bit grouchy before my cup of coffee it cheered me up to find out that today was "special". Never heard of it before, so even though it was yesterday I'm happy to be reminded that it's my job to find out what HaShem wants from me each day - and each day it really special. Thanks for your Daily Torah Thoughts.
    And Boker Tov

  2. Thanks, Filala. And today is special, too, as part of the "shloshet yemei hagbalah," the three days when the Jews prepared to receive the Torah at Sinai.
